
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I left Columbus at the end of the summer in 2004.

This was before the smoking ban went into effect.

I made sure to enjoy my cigarettes at The Dube, Betty's, Buckeye Donuts, etc. before leaving. I guess it's a good thing I did.

I hate the smoking ban.

I understand the arguments for it; second hand smoke, blah, blah, blah. That doesn't mean I can't hate it. Not being able to freely enjoy my cigarette with my coffee has taken its toll on me. Driving out to the suburbs in order to do that just seems like so much work.

I guess I don't mind it at places I don't frequent; nice family establishments with cheap apps and giant steaks, but come on. Isn't The Dube synonymous with a hacking cough? Aren't most customers at Buckeye slipping outside every 10 minutes for a quick nic fix? I know I am.

It is affecting the way I patronize establishments as well. Why go somewhere to read with coffee and cigarettes if I can't smoke indoors? I can just save my money and do it on my porch. Good for me, I guess. Bad for business.

Until there's a ban on crying babies in restaurants and frat boys in bars, I think this is total crap.


  • At 5:27 AM, Blogger Lewis said…

    Hmmm . . . I hate being exposed to second-hand smoke, but I get your point about a ban that precludes businesses from making their own policies. I wouldn't patronize or work at a place that allowed smoking indoors, but the city-wide ban on smoking in businesses raises larger issues about the role of city government.

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger JC said…

    I'm quite glad the smoking ban is in effect. I'm free to go where I please without having to breathe the fume from thousands of personal smoke stacks.


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