
Monday, October 10, 2005

Greenlawn Abbey is officially creepy. It is also officially locked up.

We hadn't even been there for five minutes when the cops showed up.

I'd like to say that was exciting, but when they realized we weren't drinking beer or jimmying locks they left.

There is definitely an access window on the second level, but it would take some climbage, which isn't a good idea in the middle of the day in a busy city. Besides, the last time I busted into a seemingly abandoned establishment, my shirt got ripped (karma?!) and I nearly had a panic attack.

So in summary...Creepy? Yes. Exciting? Not so much.


  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Lewis said…

    What's the story on Greenlawn Abbey? Does it have a history of haunting?

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Lewis said…

    In an untitled post, Kristina at Confessions of an RA wrote: "My new bulletin boards were due friday and I finally finished them today. One is "Haunted Ohio State" and the other is "12 classes you WANT to take." I'm really proud of my Haunted Ohio State board. It turned out really great." You might want to contact her for some OSU lore.


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