
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Genre Analysis, Part One

Gentle Readers,

When given the task of analyzing three blogs for this class, I immediately thought of my favorite blog; Pink is the New Blog, which is dedicated to the latest celebrity gossip. I decided it would be easy since I already (try to) read it every day. All I would have to do is find two other blogs dedicated to popular culture. Easy enough, right? Trent, the blogmaster, provides his readers with a list of links to his favorite blogs, so a quick browse and I was set. Pink is the New Blog, Stereogum, and Thighs Wide Shut would soon be subject to my criticisms.

I have always thought of pop culture as a life force all its own, but mostly encompassing the likes of "Who's dating whom?" and "Who's dumping whom?" and "Hey, that was a botched up botox job." While this certainly is not an off description, it is not all pop culture has to offer.

I still think that is generally what people think of when they hear the term "pop culture," but I have discovered that (yes, I know it's a bit obvious) it includes your basics as well--who's dropping a new album, what movies are premiering this weekend, and even photoshopping images or creating personas, such as the blog belonging to the fetus formerly known as Spears, which I have provided a link for at the bottom of this entry.

There are three major factors in creating and maintaining a good pop culture blog.

• Wit
• Relevancy
• Connections

A blog cannot read like a textbook, especially if its main purpose is to keep people up-to-speed on the marriage of Nick and Jessica or the latest Gorillaz b-side. I think there also has to be a certain amount of knowing that this news is not the most important news in the world, so the writers can have fun with it.

What connects all of these blogs also is the relevancy factor. If you want to be a competitor in the world of pop culture blogging, you have got to stay on top of things. One cannot be posting right now that Britney Spears just had a baby. In the pop culture world, that piece of not-even-a-month-old news is nearly irrelevant.

It is also important to have sources and friends. For example, Pink is the New Blog constantly notes sources or thanks friends for news or photos. Celebrity culture is something that is constantly moving and if one wants to stay ahead, s/he needs as many sources as possible.


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