
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Genre Analysis, Part Deux

Gentle Readers,

To continue with my previous post, I would like to further discuss the blogs I am analyzing. I will wrap up with what I consider to be quite crucial in a pop culture blog; images.

Would a story on Lindsey Lohan (L.Lo) crashing her car be complete without this?

I think not.

One could read this "news" without image, but like it or not we live in a visually oriented society that loves overstimulation. Also, without these images, what would celebrities (and celeb hangers-on) have? The more images one can get on his/her site (which goes back to connections) the more reliable and/or "admired" s/he is. In print, it is a similar story. Whoever gets the first picture of Sean Preston Spears is going to be one happy, filthy rich photographer.

I think one of the reasons PinkistheNewBlog works so well is its visual stimulation. When one opens the page, s/he is greeted with a celebrity "endorsing" the website. Click on the image and a star flashes on the screen leading one into their daily dose of Hollywood.

Stereogum does not need to rely on images because it is a site dedicated not to visual stimulation, but auditory stimulation. Rather than provide pictures of singers (after all, video did kill the radio star), the site provides audio clips or links to audio clips of hot new MP3s (Thanks for the Plans b-sides, by the way). However, I do find myself occasionally scrolling through the site quicker than I would at another simply because there is nothing shiny to look at.

ThighsWideShut, like PinkistheNewBlog, does rely on visual stimulation, but in a different way. The images he uses are posted sometimes for shock value, sometimes for sex value, and sometimes just to be strange. Example?

I have no idea what this means.

Whatever it is though, it works for him. His blog is strange and spastic and the images he uses reflect that. If you are familiar with The Onion (there is a link on the sidebar) his blog reminds me of Jackie Harvey's "Harveywood."

No matter what type of entertainment a blogger wants to provide for his/her readers, if it involves part of popular culture, it has to be stimulating and the more images the better.


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