
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I have been mulling over ideas for my blog essay.

At first I thought I might do something involving long-distance relationships. Oh, barf, I know. I am interested in "researching" them because they intrigue me and of course, it's personally relevant. But then I thought...I'd have to interview my boyfriend or something. In which case he'd know that I'm doing a blog essay on long-distance relationships. I mean, he knows I'm a geek, but come on! Also...I don't know if it's really that interesting.

So then I was thinking perhaps I could focus on teenagers and the Internet. I realize that sounds completely 1995, but I am interested in knowing what the kids are up to these days. Do most of them use the Internet for mostly communicative purposes or something different, such as downloading or pornography (kidding, but not really).

This could be good because I have to go home for a wedding this weekend, in which case I could interview my spritely young brother, whom at the age of 15 is nearly a foot taller than myself.


Not the greatest picture, but what can you do?

Anyway, his snotty friends are always at our house, so I could talk to them as well. Of course...I'd have to find some sort of recording device, but I know my dad has a video camera. And I don't think anyone's parents would be opposed to it. Since most of them are neighborhood kids, that would be easy enough.

So I might do that. Of course it will be last minute and all, but isn't that fun of it?


  • At 7:43 PM, Blogger Lewis said…

    Choosing a tight-knit group of friends in RL (Real Life) might make for an interesting sample. When my son was in high school, he and his friends were on the Internet a lot, but they often were talking to each other online or talking about their online activities when they would get together in RL.

    I can't stress enough, though, that if you are going to work with kids under 18, you need to get their parents' permission before you put anything online -- even if you use pseudonyms.


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