
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Today didn't start out so hot.

My cat was being an asshole all night (and apparently while I was gone today as well) so I didn't sleep much.

I was really excited about sleeping too. I had trouble sleeping on Sunday because of the weekend. When the boyfriend comes to visit we usually stay up really late and this weekend was no exception.

So I had a midterm in professional writing today and my first essay was being workshopped in creative non-fiction. That's when the day started turning around.

The midterm went relatively well, though I'm not sure how my professor grades, and the workshop was awesome. My professor said my story is almost ready for submission to a literary magazine. Once I edit it I might post it, that could be fun I suppose.

After class I talked with one of my classmates and she wants to hang out sometime. This is nice because it's been a weird experience for me down here at Ohio State for a few reasons which I may have already mentioned.

  • All of my friends have graduated except for, oddly enough, everyone that goes here that I know from high school. This is fine because I love the friends I met in high school, but it's a different experience
  • I don't say much and it's hard for me to meet new people. Most of the friends I made in college were through the dorms or work.
  • I'm actually doing my homework including the readings, which is a new thing for me. Instead of getting high or drunk, I'm actually going out to study.

So that was really nice. I hope we get to hang out. We might go see Rent when it comes out in November.

Hope everyone is enjoying these dismal, grey days.


  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger Lewis said…

    Congratulations on the successful story! I'm not sure that you should post the whole thing to your blog, though, if you plan to submit it to a magazine for publication. Maybe post enough to give your readers the flavor of the piece and tell 'em to keep checking back for news of its appearance in print :-).


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