
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Genre Analysis, Part Three

Gentle Readers,

I mentioned this previously in my blog, but I’d like to address it again. I think, when maintaining a blog of any kind, personalization is important. One of the reasons I like Trent's (Pink is the New Blog) page so much is because he is not just a faceless, nameless force spewing forth the goods on the break-up of the Parises. He has heart and he talks about his personal life in a way that his audience knows he is a caring, fun, and genuine person. I know it makes me appreciate him as more of a real person rather than a talking head (or a typing hand).

I do think that his blog is the most successful of the three I am analyzing, at least in terms of likeability. However, Stereogum also reflects the same "personality." For example, Scott, one of the sites bloggers got married last week, as he posted about his upcoming nuptials. This is something that readers can connect to. And Trent mentioned it in his blog too, further connecting readers and those who post for us.


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