
Monday, November 14, 2005

So, I didn't really get anything done over the weekend. Between wanting to spend every possible minute with the boyfriend and my family's busy schedules, I'm lucky if I can take a shower.

It's strange being in a house filled with the "latest" technologies, yet hardly experiencing any of it. Undoubtedly I will see some sort of sporting event on the television--be it by choice or not. I never even see the computer when I'm there. By the time I'd get around to using it, I'm sure I'd have to fight someone for it anyway. And I don't care.

I do think I am, however, beginning to see the benefits to having a digital camera. Of course this would be in addition to a manual, but I'm starting to seriously consider this investment.

Example? This weekend I went home to go to a wedding. Here I am posting in my blog about this experience and thinking it might be nice to include some images to go along with it. Instead, any images I do have are being held hostage in my 35mm. And I'm not about to waste the film just so I can have my half dozen snapshots, which I would then have to scan anyway.

It is fun though, to take in a roll of film, anticipating the birth of concrete images. Oh, I forgot about that! It's fun to go back and remember instead of seeing the images instantly, glossing over the moment. Then again, there's also the What the hell is that? Is that your back? The inside of my purse? It could go either way, really.

What I'd really like to do is re-learn the whole photography process. I took photography my senior year of high school at a local community college and I haven't stepped foot in a darkroom since. I think I want to have a darkroom when I buy a house. My dad used to have one at our old home, but once the kids came he stopped doing that. Now there's a good feeling. Getting all the stops right, taking a great picture, not screwing up the chemicals or the film, and getting an image knowing you were part of the process from beginning to end. Certainly more time consuming, but probably most rewarding.

Anyway, the moral of the story is; technology might not be so bad, convenient even. It's all a question of how it is used. In terms of a digital camera--Is it adding to the disposable nature of our society or is it beneficial in the sense that it's cutting down on waste, giving us more options? As I do with everything, am I simply overthinking something that is really just a simple option? Isn't that the beauty of blogging?


  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Lewis said…

    I still have a 30-year-old film SLR, and I remember darkroom work fondly, but I am hooked on digital photography. And not because of instant gratification. Actually, I think of the image that comes out of my digital SLR as a digital negative. I probably spend as much time exploring the potential of that image capture in Photoshop as I ever did exploring the possibilities of a negative in a darkroom. What I am hooked on is media convergence. Did you know that there are artists who use software to turn their photos into music?


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