
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

An End-of-Quarter/Thanksgiving Weekend Reflection

Ah, finally. The quarter is nearing its close and I'm nothing if not relieved.

When I think about it though, I'm grateful as well. School is wonderful. It's hard work (when the work actually gets done), but it's sooo much better than some of the bleaker options out there.

I was reminded over the weekend of why I chose to come back to school, having graduated and all.

Yes. I got my old job back at Toys R Us for the holidays. Toys R Us was the only job I could manage to find when I moved home after graduating in 2004. Pathetic, isn't it? I blame myself, somewhat...mostly, actually. I could have worked much harder to find a job. I should have been working on it for months. I should have been working period.

So I worked at Toys R Us on Friday (I still have a bit of a twitch) and Saturday.

This made me thankful (appropiately) for a few things. I'm incredibly thankful that I'm back in school working towards something. I'm also thankful that I kind of have my shit together and actually care that I'm back in school and goddammit if I don't get a job, a real job, when this is over. I am not going to do the whole struggling-to-survive-working-two-jobs thing. I have a degree. Shouldn't that count for something? Shouldn't people who struggle and throw themselves into debt be rewarded with something?

Now, I'm not saying someone should just hand me a job when this is all over (though it would be nice). I know I will have to look and "hit the pavement" and all that crap, but I'm going to actually do it this time. Because the next time I go to school it isn't going to be to escape a mediocre life, it's going to be for career.

So anyway...

It's not over yet, but seeing as I don't have any finals (I have no idea how that happened, but it's probably got something to do with taking all English classes) I'm kind of relaxing, anxiously waiting for Friday.


  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger X said…

    I've turned into such a cynic since I graduated university. I'm stuck in a part-time job in my chosen career with no possibility of moving up because all of the full-timers are lifers. I could move to a small town and live in a one-room apt and eat ramen noodles because I will be working for pennies, but I'd rather live at home in a big city and bitch and complain.

    LOL, I just re-read that...I'm not trying to get you down! I guess it was more of a mini-vent based on the old adage "Life isn't what you expected." Now if you're in a field that actually has jobs, good on you! You're one step ahead of me in picking a path in life! :P


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