
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Toootally should've listened to the Professor and had this essay done on Wednesday. Toootally.

I made the mistake of getting my old job back at Toys R Us. So I worked 9 hours on Friday and like, 4 hours on Saturday and yeah, that sucked.

It's been pretty crazy busy around here. We had the annual Gerig Family Slideshow on Saturday evening and that was fun. My mom has her brothers and sisters over and we all watch slides that my grandpa took. It's kind of boring because my brothers and I have no idea waht's going on, but it's fun to get everyone together and see everyone looking so young.

After everyone left my brother, his fiancee, my boyfriend and myself looked at slides from when my brother and I were kids. Hahahhaaaa. Torture. Kidding.

So I'm hoping to wrap this essay up soon so I can go sit in traffic for a while and get home to CBus before sunrise.


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